Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Global Warming Comes to Atlanta

A picture is worth a thousand words. Global warming came to my neighborhood today...


  1. Seattle Dave3/03/2010 10:04 AM

    I thought you would have been above this type of rhetoric and ridiculous posting.

    Leave this kinda stuff to the spin pros, Andy.

  2. Nonsense. Every now and then I like to put out a "fun" post. This is one of them.

  3. Andy,
    It is not global warming it is global climate change. Plus, Atlanta had a lot more snow in early march last year.

    I also think you would have been above this type of thing but it did make me laugh seeing it.

  4. what do you think?


  5. I think this is an interesting section:

    The 2009 global temperature analysis released by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) shows that, globally, 2009 was tied for the second hottest year on record. This comes as news reports and blogs question whether global warming is even occurring, given local weather conditions and the fact that warming did not occur at the same rate in the past 10 years as it did during the '80s and '90s. But here is the key: While the rate of warming slowed, the decade ending Dec. 31, 2009 was also the warmest since accurate records began in 1880, according to GISS. And neither the basic chemistry and physics of global warming nor the continuing increase in man-made greenhouse gas emissions has changed.

    So,".. neither the basic chemistry and physics of global warming nor the continuing increase in man-made greenhouse gas emissions has changed," yet the rate of change of temperature has changed. I am also skeptical when global warming supporters point to hurricanes or high temperatures to support global warming, but dismiss unusual cools.

    I do believe our climate changes. It has many, many times. I also believe that man has an affect on his environment. However if the same criteria or requirements for proof were required of man-made global warming as most other scientific endeavors, it would be considered a theory, and would not be considered accurate enough to spend the kind of money Al Gore an others want us to spend on it.

  6. the anonymous guy3/04/2010 9:05 PM

    Andy, did you intend not to post my comments?

  7. No Anonymous Guy. If there is a missing comment here, something happened on the back end. Every comment I have seen from you I have posted. If you made one that you don't see here, do your best to retype it and I will post it. I apologize for anything missing that you posted.

  8. the anonymous guy3/05/2010 12:43 PM

    Thanks bro. I figured it was the gremlins in the machine.

    I had just pointed out that you and Mr. Inhofe have the same sense of humor, despite the science showing that, sadly, it's not that funny.

    I hope you can see that the snowstorm-means-AGW-isn't-true meme has been both repeated a lot on Fox and Rush etc., and is ironically a sign of how far the denialist camp is from current science. I do think, from time to time, that you are beginning to see that.
