Sunday, May 13, 2007

Meeting Dr. Bennett

William J. Bennett was recently in town doing a book signing. I have copy of his newest book, America: The Last Best Hope: Volume II: From a World at War to the Triumph of Freedom and took it along with The Children’s Book of Virtues for him to sign. I am a great admirer of Dr. Bennett’s, and it was a real thrill to meet him in person. He was very polite to all his fans that showed up for his book signing. He was willing to talk with everyone, have photos taken, and personalize any of the books however you wanted. I have seen other famous people do appearances where they charge for autographs. Not so with Dr. Bennett. Someone even had a printed picture that he was more than happy to sign.

I admire Dr. Bennett because he speaks with a great sense of right and wrong. If you listen to his morning show, the views he takes aren’t based on Republican or Democrat, but what is right and what is wrong. That is something that is sometimes lacking in today’s political commentary. I don’t always agree with his view points (which may say less of me and more of Dr. Bennett) but I always enjoy his show.

Dr. Bennett is a firm believer that America is a force for good in the world. I couldn’t agree with that viewpoint more. The title of his two history books America: The Last Best Hope boldly proclaims that. I would encourage anyone who hasn’t listened to Dr. Bennett’s Morning in America to give it a shot. I was greatly thrilled to meet a man I consider somewhat of a personal hero. Check back here for an upcoming review of America: The Last Best Hope.

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