Monday, November 06, 2006

Why I will vote Republican Tomorrow

Tomorrow afternoon I will leave work a little early in order to make it to the polls, cast my vote, and pick up my daughter from day care. Tomorrow I will be voting Republican. If you have read this blog before, you will not be surprised by my vote tomorrow. You will also not be surprised that I consider myself a Republican. But, if you didn’t know me and stopped me tomorrow and asked why I voted Republican, here is what I would tell you.

I don’t always agree with the Republican Party. I don’t think an amendment to the U. S. Constitution describing marriage is needed. I don’t really think it has any place in today’s political discussion. I don’t think we should legislate how we handle patients on life support. Having seen that decision made by someone I hold dear I can tell you that it is an incredibly tough one to make. It needs to be made by the family with the help of a doctor. Government has no place in it. I think how man came to be is a very interesting topic, but it is not in my top ten political issues. The truth of the matter is, in this day an age, there are only two deciding factors on my vote: The War on Terror, and Homeland Security.

The Republican Party believes we need to continue to fight in Iraq. The RNC believes our police and military need tools to handle terrorist. President Bush believes we are engaged in a war throughout the world for our very existence. The DNC believes a loss in Iraq is ok. The Democratic Party believes that our police, our military, and our President are a larger threat than those who would kill us, our families, and our children. The DNC has absolutely no plans for how to fight terrorist except to run back to the US and hope they don’t follow.

I have to vote for the party that will protect my family. The Republicans may not always be right, but they are trying to protect my daughter, my wife, and me. So I will cast my ballot for Republicans tomorrow. Tonight I say a prayer that they win.


  1. Personnally, I am glad that the elections wil be over soon. The two party dynamic, with all its partisan posturing, seem to me to serve to the general disservices of the nation.

    It is difficul to ascertain at times what our security level realy is and often I feel that the threat level is overstated in categories that matter least and understated in categories that matter most.

    North Korea and Iran still rank higher in my view than the rogue terrorist entities, although, terrorists will alway be able to find targets.

    The Democrats frequently have seemed to soft and lost in there direction for this "change" and stem cells the ykeep talking of and the Republicans have placed far too much emphasis on homosexuals and abortions. By time the election arrived, I was more afraid of politicians than terrorists or invading armies.

    I am glad to hear that you are taking the time to voice your view through the vote and I hope that the balnce that is struck in the houses workds for the best. Yet, I feel that regardless of whichever party is in "control" of the house we will determine, as individuals, the level of prosperity and security we experience.

    I have to say, I sure wish they would do something about the borders. The other day I was talking to a gentleman who had entered the country illegally himself and later became a citizen, and he was telling me about how much of a problem he thought it was. His solution for the problem was simple and far less expensive and far more comprehensive than any suggested by any of the politicians running for election.

    Even if your Republicans don't get in, don't worry you will have Joe Lieberman at the ready prepared to through some votes towrds the conservatives.

  2. Personally, I am glad that the elections wil be over soon. The two party dynamic, with all its partisan posturing, seem to me to serve to the general disservice of the nation.

    It is difficult to ascertain at times what our security level really is and often I feel that the threat level is overstated in categories that matter least and understated in categories that matter most.

    North Korea and Iran still rank higher in my view than the rogue terrorist entities, although, terrorists will alway be able to find targets.

    The Democrats frequently have seemed to soft and lost in there direction for this "change" and stem cells the ykeep talking of and the Republicans have placed far too much emphasis on homosexuals and abortions. By time the election arrived, I was more afraid of politicians than terrorists or invading armies.

    I am glad to hear that you are taking the time to voice your view through the vote and I hope that the balnce that is struck in the houses workds for the best. Yet, I feel that regardless of whichever party is in "control" of the house we will determine, as individuals, the level of prosperity and security we experience.

    I have to say, I sure wish they would do something about the borders. The other day I was talking to a gentleman who had entered the country illegally himself and later became a citizen, and he was telling me about how much of a problem he thought it was. His solution for the problem was simple and far less expensive and far more comprehensive than any suggested by any of the politicians running for election.

    Even if your Republicans don't get in, don't worry you will have Joe Lieberman at the ready prepared to through some votes towrds the conservatives.

  3. The results are mostly in. It looks like the Republicans have been called to task for not doing some of the things they said they would. I don't like the Democrats in power, but I am glad that the voters have held their elected officals accountable for their actions. That is one thing I think the vast majority of people can agree on.

    North Korea and Iran are huge threats. That is one of the reasons I have devoted so much time to North Korea in my blogs. I think Iraq is the main issue in our war against terrorism and Islamic Fundamentalism right now. I have said for a long time, I would rather be fighting terrorist in the Middle East than in Atlanta, New York, or DC.

    And even though the Democrats won big last night, I think the next two years will still be very exciting times.
