Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Six Muslims kicked off US Airways flight

Six Imam’s leaving a conference in Minnesota were kicked off a US Airways flight yesterday. Apparently, at least three of the Imam’s stood up on the flight and began their evening prayers. If I understand correctly, Muslims are required to pray five times a day at very specific times. I thought there were allowances for when a Muslim isn’t able to pray at that time. I will research that and post a comment to this post with what I find. But, for the moment, let’s say for the sake of argument that there are no exceptions made by the Koran, and the Imam’s were required to pray at that time regardless of where they were.

I don’t think US Airways was in the wrong to kick the Imams off the plane. If Islam required prayers at that time, and as devout Muslims, this couldn’t be avoided, why not simply schedule a later flight? Air travel is a convenience, not a right. In a post 9/11 world, that is all the more apparent. I have family throughout the country. If I wish to see them, I understand that there are certain things I must do. For example, I am only allowed 3 oz liquids in a single quart clear plastic bag. Do I really think this measure will stop a terrorist? No. However, if I want to fly to visit family or friends elsewhere, I know I must abide by the rules.

On 9/11, 19 hijackers took control of 4 planes and killed thousands of Americans. Every plane since then has had heightened security of some sort. How many articles have we seen or read of people who caused a disturbance being kicked from an airplane? Why should anyone be exempt from this? Why should these six individuals be any different? If four priests got onto and American Airlines flight, and right before take off, stood up in unison and started chanting in Latin, would the passengers have ignored them? I don’t think so. They would have been kicked off that flight.

We are taught there is a time and place for everything. Political Correctness initially brought some civility to our common language that was probably needed. However, that time is gone. We are now in a time where PC would have us risk our lives, the lives of our family and friends, the very existence of this nation in order to avoid hurting someone’s feelings. We have learned there are evil people in the world. Americans must make a decision. Will we allow our way of life to disappear to avoid hurting someone’s feelings? I hope we will learn that while everyone deserves common courtesy, and people have rights, we must protect ourselves. These six individuals were wrong to believe they could disrupt and airplane without consequences. If they believe they were singled out because they were Muslim that is regrettable. The fact is, they were singled out because they disrupted an airplane, clean and simple.


  1. The fact is they were singled out because they were islamic. From what I have read they did nothing on the plane other then refuse to get off. They prayed before boarding. Someone was offended/worried about it. They started looking into it more and realized some of them did not have bags and only one way tickets. Of course they were asked to be removed. I also read this : Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said he hoped the incident would "raise awareness among the general public and the airline industry that praying as a Muslim and flying as a Muslim should not trigger any fear and any prejudice." okay flying as a muslim should not trigger any fear well i am sorry but they are out of their minds. muslims took our planes and ran then into our buildings and then tell us not to be scared. That is like telling a black man in mississippi not to be scared of the KKK anymore. Oh and one more thing, if christians can not pray in school and other such places because it offends other people's freedom of religion then you can not get mad when some one gets their freedom of religion stepped all over when somebody does a muslim pray in public.

  2. I think the prayer in school is an interesting parallel. The accounts I have read said they were praying on the plane. I don't know which is correct. Either way I would say that it qualified as suspicious behavior. I didn't want to get into it in the origianal blog, but I have seen some odd quotes and accusations against CAIR. I take everything they say with a grain of salt.

    Thanks for the comment and I hope you enjoy the site.

  3. According to the website “Ask the Iman.com”, if traveling during prayer time, the prayers should be performed on the airplane. However, the website further instructs:

    “You should inform the flight attendants of your religious obligation and request them to facilitate for you by arranging an isolated corner to perform your Salaat. In our experiences of traveling by
    plane, we have observed that flight attendants of all flights are very accommodating. However, due to their responsibilities, we should co-operate with them as well.”

    This doesn’t sound at all like what the six on the US Airways flight were trying to do. For an update to this story, see my post from November 28th.
